Most used karaoke service for businesses

Choose Finland's most popular karaoke system and provide your customers with more songs to sing.


Biggest selection, happiest customers

Offer your customers the largest karaoke selection on the market, which includes over 55% more finnish songs compared to other karaoke service providers. You will get a licensed karaoke for businesses to use today without monthly payments.

Reliable and safe karaoke service


Best kind of karaoke system is the kind that works, night after night. That's why most choose Feelment.


In addition to its weekly expanding karaoke selection, Feelment develops constantly and provides everything for your entertainment needs.

Easy (seriously)

You or your employees don't have to spend time learning. Our clear and seamless user interface is really easy to use.

Features for professional use

Would you like us to show you how Feelment works?

Image of our sales director Olli.
Book a free demo (Teams)
Duration: 30min
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Newest releases

What's happening in the world of karaoke? Read the latest articles about karaoke on the blog.

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The largest selection of karaoke on the market at your use

Give your customers more to choose from. Feelments karaoke library is the largest on the market, and it increases weekly with many new songs. The selection includes over 55% more finnish songs than our competitors. 

A karaoke laptop on a restarant table.

Automatic rotation

Karaokes best friend is background music. When you select Feelments music service to support your karaoke, the atmosphere never breaks. After a singer has finished their signature song, background music will resume to play automatically - as will your advertisements on your tv-screens.  

Read more:

Two women, one of them is singing.

Karaoke lists in your customers phone

Feelments Digital ordering is more than just digital karaoke lists. In addition to lists always being up to date and the ability to join the queue directly from your phone, you can also cheer other singers with flying hearts and give them thumbs up from your phone. 

If however you prefer more traditional paper versions of karaoke lists, you can print up to date lists easily from here. 

A phone in a persons hand, with karaokelists open on the screen.

Self-service karaoke enhances the customer experience

With karaoke booths and cabinets you can set yourself apart from the competition by offering your customers a new way to sing karaoke. In the self-service user interface, simplicity was our main priority in the design phase. Everything necessary is laid out clearly and step-by-step. According to statistics, one booth increases the song count by 50%, and two booths 86%. 

You get everything you need from us. 

Karaoke service works on all Windows 11 devices, and you can use your own computer if you so wish. However, if you appreciate convenience, you can get all necessary devices from us, included in the same bill. 

Two karaoke booths in a restaurant, with two tv-screens displaying new karaoke song offerings.


We recommend you to start with a charge-by-sing-count contract, which gives you the ability to keep track of your monthly sing counts. After that, you can easily switch to a fixed monthly contract, if that seems more affordable to you. 

Fixed monthly price
€/month (vat. 0%)
Fixed monthly price always remains the same, regardless of the sing count.
No sing count restrictions
No start-, base- or standard fees
No fixed term contracts
65 000+ songs
Automatic rotation
Pre-made karaoke themes
Song credit
€/credit (vat. 0%)
Charge by sing credit is the most affordable option, if karaoke is sung at most 5 days a week.
No monthly payments
No start-, base- or standard fees
No fixed term contracts
65 000+ songs
Automatic rotation
Pre-made karaoke themes
Most popular
Device service (additional service)
€/month (vat. 0%)
Device service is an alternative to your own computer. It includes a device meeting your needs and all necessary cables.
New device within 3 business days
We are responsible for the devices functionality
Upkeep & maintenance of the device

Feelment for non-commercial use

Are you looking for a karaoke service for an association, organization or other non-commercial use? Ask for a quote for a discounted price

Start trial month

Try our background music service and remote control for a month for free. No credit card info needed, and the trial period won't turn into an automatic charge. 

Tech support every day of the year

You can reach us from our technical support number every day from 9 to 23. We will help you with every technical issues you might run into, whether you're our customer or not. 

Mieshenkilö pipo päässä ja villapaita päällä. Käsissä tabletti, jonka näytöllä teksti Feelment-tuki.

Finnish karaoke service

Feelment is a family owned finnish company, trusted by nearly 2000 restaurants, hotels and bars across Finland. We develop our karaoke services directly to our customers needs, which is shown for example in the fact that we have the biggest finnish song library on the market, which includes multiple versions, such as Melplay and Suomi Laulaa. 

A map of Finland with the northern lights displayed in it. On the background there is a wintery scenery.
"The best background music -and karaoke service in Finland"
Tuomas Sointula


"An extensive selection of songs, pre-made available playlists, pitch control during the middle of the song. Easy queue control."
Ari Hyvälä

Lapland Quality Services

"You never have to tell a customer "sorry we don't have that", because every song that gets asked is available. Also our customers appreciate the original backgrounds of the songs."
Sirkka Vilen

Bar Nostalgia

"Very wide and quality selection of English songs. This extends to other languages as well."
Enja Ikäheimo


"Well, Feelment is about 8 steps ahead of the competition, in every aspect."
Aki Ronkainen


"Feelment supports cultural work by supporting minority languages. From the lists you can find songs also in Finnish original languages, such as from the band Santtu & Karhu Talvisovat "
Jari-Pekka Kinnunen

Karelia Folk Ry

"Very good service. Technical support answers very fast. Can't but admire their work. Strong recommendation."
Seppo Tiilikainen

SF-Caravan Kuopion Seutu ry

Start trial month

Try our background music service and remote management for a month for free. No credit card info needed, and the trial period won't turn into an automatic charge.