All you need to entertain
Play, display, sing, entertain
Choose the services you need, and tailor a suitable package. Feelment's services work seamlessly together, eliminating your need for extra devices.

Starting at 69€/month

Starting at 0,59€/song

Starting at 89€/month

We make the entertainment of thousands of businesses easy

Tech support every day of the year
You can reach us from our tech support number any day of the year from 9AM to 11PM. We will help you with any restaurant technology-related issues, whether you are our customer or not.
Finnish music service
Feelment® is a family owned Finnish company, trusted by over 2000 businesses across Finland.

Book a free demo
Book a time that suits you from our reserve calendar for a demonstration of our services, est. duration 30min
Entertainers -blog
In our blog you'll find all the necessary information you need to make your customers have the best time. We bring the entertainment to your business.

Kuinka näyttää sporttia ravintolassa? - Vinkit tekniikkaan

Mitä vuonna 2024 tapahtui?

Lauletuimmat karaokekappaleet vuonna 2024
Start your free month
Try our music service and remote management for a month, free of charge. You don't have to give out credit card information, and the trial period won't convert to an automatic charge.